If you are a major gift manager, super fundraiser, or a volunteer mobilizer, you have a great reason to get excited. The Salesforce Foundation has recently announced a new product developed in partnership with roundCorner, NGO Connect.
NGO Connect is a new product built on the Salesforce’s force.com platform, designed to help nonprofit organizations engage constituents by enabling a 360-degree view of their organization. NGO Connect leverages the world’s leading social, mobile, marketing, and service platform to make your organization more powerful.
NGO Connect includes the following applications:
- Donor Management – Get a complete picture of your funders and supporters in one place — including activity history, giving history, programs and events attended, social media and custom information.
- Event Management – Streamline your event planning and execution with Salesforce. Easily post new events, manage event calendars, track RSVPs, create table seating charts and provide VIP summary reports for your team who will be engaging with attendees.
- Volunteer Management – Efficiently recruit, track, and manage all your volunteers and volunteer programs with Salesforce. Easily schedule and monitor volunteer shifts and events.
- Nonprofit Relationship Management – Manage all of your constituents’ contact information, preferences, relationships, social identities, interests and preferences in one place.
- Reporting – Leverage more than 250 editable reports and dozens of dashboards to gain real-time insight into your organization’s effort.
- Mobile, Social and Cloud – Bring CRM and social together by viewing Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles directly from your constituent records.
Since the Salesforce Foundation’s announcement we have received many inquiries about NGO Connect. I would like to share some information to provide some clarity about the new product.
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Salesforce technology supporting the nonprofit sector has evolved greatly during my 10 years within the ecosystem. Each year ushers in new advancements that build upon

In January 2019, Salesforce made the decision to acquire roundCorner, bringing NGO Connect (NGOC), Foundation Connect, and roundData into their product offerings. This
How is NGO Connect different from Salesforce1 for Nonprofits?
Salesforce1 for Nonprofits is a product roadmap or a strategy to help organizations raise more funds, communicate more effectively, engage and strengthen their community and deliver better programs. NGO Connect is the product that will enable this strategy.
What is the difference between NGO Connect and roundCause?
NGO Connect includes everything roundCause provided (Bios, Connect, Messaging, Giving, and Events) with much more. For example, NGO Connect will have the full Salesforce support behind it including the ability to log Salesforce support cases for NGO Connect. This will allow the great roundCorner team to focus on developing awesome solutions that change the way people change the world.
What if I am already using roundCause what are the implications for me?
There are no implications. Your pricing and features are going to stay the same. The good news is that you made an excellent decision when you chose an application that will receive future investment in features and functionality.
I am using the Nonprofit Starter Pack (NPSP). Should I be worried?
No, you should not be worried at all. The NPSP is an open source product and as long as organizations are using it, it is not going away. The Foundation has recently released lots of great features to the NPSP (click here to read about them) and the roadmap will continue to grow with community-driven features. The Foundation will continue to support the NPSP community by providing resourcing to perform bug fixes and offer some support in the Hub whenever possible. Read an excellent post from Kevin Bromer the Director of Product Development at the Salesforce Foundation about NPSP and NGO Connect.
Should I choose NPSP or NGO Connect?
NGO Connect is a great product for enterprise-level organizations (same organizations roundCause was designed for) or organizations who are looking to do more advanced fundraising. If you are a small to medium sized nonprofit you should evaluate the NPSP.
There is no easy “one click” conversion tool from the NPSP to NGO Connect (yet), please reach out to us to discuss your migration options.
Can I have NPSP and NGO Connect installed in the same org?
No, these two applications cannot live happily together.
How much does NGO Connect Cost?
All customers receive 2 free full NGO Connect licenses and 8 Bios free licenses (to match the 10 donated licenses). Every license after that starts at $120 per user, per month.
The Foundation is offering an introductory price which is $90 per user per month. That price includes the Enterprise Edition license as well, which is a great deal. You can find more information about pricing here.
Where can I learn more about NGO Connect?
The best way to learn more about NGO Connect is to attend the webinar on September 30th. Register here.
If you are attending Dreamforce (which you absolutely should!) you should also check out the following NGO Connect sessions:
- Raise More Resources with NGO Connect: https://success.salesforce.com/Ev_Sessions#/session/a2q30000000i5btAAA Become a
- Connected Nonprofit: https://success.salesforce.com/Ev_Sessions#/session/a2q30000000i5uZAAQ Demo:
- Salesforce for Fundraising with NGO Connect: https://success.salesforce.com/Ev_Sessions#/session/a2q30000000iIICAA2
Have more questions? Please post them below.