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Why CRM Implementations Fail and How to Avoid It

Know that the clearer your vision, the more ready, supportive of, and willing for change, and the more you understand your own desired outcomes and metrics, the more successful a Salesforce implementation can be. The platform can’t produce these changes in your organization, but it can inspire them.

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Avoiding Growing Pains Through Good Governance

When working with (or any system for that matter), following the principles of good governance can make life easier for administrators and users alike by providing a clear and consistent framework to manage change over time and defining processes to resolve conflicting requirements. In our experience, governance is often an evolutionary process, consisting of three stages: Monarchy, Democracy and Republic.

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What You Should Do Before an Enterprise-Wide CRM Implementation

Implementing a constituent relationship management (CRM) application can be a difficult project for organizations with multiple large complex departments. An assessment of the organization’s CRM strategy, staffing, processes, and technology will help you identify the relevant approach, resources, and tools to be put in place to champion a successful implementation. The value is achieving consistent processes, cross departmental coordination, and even driving organizational innovation.

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Change Doesn’t Have To Be Hard

Change can be hard. When we work with clients to implement Salesforce, there is often a system we’re replacing. Clients are used to that old system. We sometimes hear, “But we’ve always done it this way!” So how can you make sure that this change to a new system (Salesforce) sticks? This post includes some tips.

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Consultant vs. Volunteer Help with Salesforce?

At Cloud for Good, we understand that your mission is critical, which is why we recommend that every Salesforce donation recipient should, if possible, get some help from qualified consultants, even if just to get off the ground. Your Salesforce is THE heart of all the people related to your organization—all your contacts, all your partners, volunteers, donors and prospective donors, your clients—the people who matter to you! It just makes sense to set your Salesforce up to reflect the unique organization you are.

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