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My Best July NPTech Gems



1. Does your organization have a social media strategy? If you have ever considered creating one (and you should) you need to read this great post about NTEN’s social media strategy and why you should follow your gut

2. Finally a decent welcome tab creator for Facebook! Pagemodo is a service that simply allows you to create a ‘Welcome’ or ‘About Us’ tab for your Facebook page without any FBML knowledge. I used their generator to create our  company’s Facebook pageand found it very easy to use and install. Let me know if you add it your Facebook Page!

3. After you create your organization’s welcome tab upgrade your personal profile. Check out this new tool and turn your Facebook profile picture into a video Facebook profile picture into a video

4. By the way, Facebook will remain free forever

Websites and Blogs

5. What do your website visitors really want?In this post (also from NTEN) the writer divides your visitors to strangers, friends, and fans. I love this approach.

6. What should you write about? 10 Blog Content Ideas for Nonprofit Organizations

White Papers and Guides

7. Online Fundraising Best Practices from Convio (by the way, we are a Convio implementation partner now!)

8.The Idealware Nonprofit Social Media Decision Guide



9. A busy month for the Salesforce Lab team, check out their 15 most recent app updates.

10. Force Monkey wrote a great post about Salesforce and Microsoft Outlook Integration