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Introduction to Nonprofit Cloud for Fundraising

Introduction to Nonprofit Cloud for Fundraising

Salesforce has taken a momentous step forward in supporting fundraising organizations with the unveiling of the reimagined Nonprofit Cloud mid-2023. Fundraising on Nonprofit Cloud is poised to revolutionize how organizations interact with donors, manage gifts, and streamline their fundraising operations.

Fundraising manifests in various forms, spanning high touch giving to mass-market contributions and operational support. Nonprofit Cloud addresses each of  these pillars, providing a robust set of features to empower fundraising teams. Whether it’s  –managing major gift solicitation and inbound grants or processing  recurring and one-time gifts, this tool is designed to optimize fundraising efforts.

Redefined Supporter Engagement:

This comprehensive view goes beyond traditional donor profiles, providing a visual journey of donor engagement. Constituent profiles feature giving summaries, event histories, campaign participation, and visual milestones, creating a holistic narrative of each donor’s interaction with the organization.

Fundraising on Nonprofit Cloud

The Actionable Relationship Center (ARC) takes donor management to new heights by visually mapping connections among individuals and organizations. From professional affiliations to household relationships, nonprofits can leverage this tool to grasp the intricate network within their donor community.

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Fundraising

These tools go beyond simply showing data – they provide fundraisers with a story about who a donor is and how they engage with your organization.

Enhanced Interaction Summaries and Action Plans:

Capturing and documenting donor interactions is critical for building lasting relationships. The more information your team is able to collect on donors, the greater you can personalize your interactions at scale. Interaction Summaries in Nonprofit Cloud offer a structured way to record conversations, meetings, and next steps, enhancing collaboration and maintaining a detailed history of engagements.

Action Plans provide staff members with a roadmap for donor interaction, aligning tasks and action items with the overarching fundraising strategy. This feature ensures that every step in the engagement process contributes to the overall success of fundraising initiatives.

Nonprofit Fundraising

Seamless Gift Processing and Opportunity Management:

Nonprofit Cloud introduces a new gift tracking data model designed for a precise, intuitive view of various gift types. Opportunities are used to track major gift solicitations and inbound grants. Gift Commitments are used to show commitments to multi-installment gifts, like ongoing sustaining donations and multi-payment pledges. Finally, Gift Transactions represent actual payments or gifts received, like one-time donations, recurring monthly gifts, and paid pledge installments.

These gift records can be created automatically via your donation page or other fundraising platforms, or via Nonprofit Cloud’s gift entry tool. Nonprofit Cloud simplifies the gift entry process with a user-friendly interface that pre-fills donor information, minimizing errors and streamlining data entry.

Fundraising Platform

Campaign Management and Gift Attribution:

Looking at your fundraising success holistically, Nonprofit Cloud offers robust features for tracking campaign performance. In addition to tracking high-level fundraising campaigns, Nonprofit Cloud introduces Source Code tracking. Source Codes allow organizations to attribute gifts to specific campaigns or appeals, providing insights into the effectiveness of different fundraising efforts. With Outreach Source Code analytics, organizations can measure the impact of various outreach efforts and optimize strategies based on real-time data. By combining Nonprofit Cloud with Data Cloud, you can even use your fundraising campaign data to create personalized segments for use in your marketing efforts.

Nonprofit Fundraising Platform

The platform provides a detailed view of campaign success, enabling nonprofits to analyze donor responses, contribution amounts, and overall campaign effectiveness. This data-driven approach empowers organizations to make informed decisions and refine their strategies for future campaigns.

How Nonprofits are using Salesforce for Fundraising

The reimagined Nonprofit Cloud marks a transformative change in how nonprofits tackle fundraising within the Salesforce ecosystem. Through the seamless integration of constituent engagement, opportunity management, and gift processing, this platform gives organizations the essential tools to enhance their fundraising endeavors and create enduring impact.

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