Salesforce’s Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) was built on top of Salesforce by and the fundraising community. Since its inception, it has been enhanced with mission-critical packages like case management, program management, and more.
Now, with the announcement of Nonprofit Cloud (NPC), nonprofits have a lot to be excited about. Through partnerships with organizations across the nonprofit sector, including Cloud for Good as a design partner, Salesforce has created NPC as a refreshed solution built into—but not on top of—Salesforce that provides industry-targeted technology for nonprofits. NPC offers out-of-the-box options for common nonprofit use cases that can be added to your Salesforce as they become available, with no additional package installs required.
NPSP will continue to be available, but it will no longer receive any new enhancements and further product investment will be redirected to NPC. In light of this, organizations on NPSP may want to consider migrating to NPC to keep up with new innovations. However, the core data architecture between NPSP and NPC differs, so migrating from NPSP to NPC is a big decision.
Where to Start?
Evaluating your organization’s use of the Salesforce platform is a crucial first step to understanding the impact a migration would have on your organization. As you make your assessment, it’s important to recognize the similarities and differences in features and functionalities between NPSP and NPC and the ways in which NPC features can enhance your Salesforce footprint.
NPC enhances your technology by:
- Utilizing Person Accounts as a Data Model: This is the same data model other Industry Clouds are utilizing, meaning all future enhancements, features, and functionality will be easily accessible on NPC.
- Improved adjustment and refund capabilities, such as issuing partial refunds
- Source Code tracking to Donors
- Streamlined Batch Gift Entry
- Summary Field Roll-Ups are now calculated through Data Processing Engine, running more efficiently
- Improved Data Processing
- HIPPA Compliance
- Availability of Service + Sales Cloud, Fundraising, Outcome Management, Dynamic Assessments, Accounting Subledger, and Program + Case Management in base NPC licenses (meaning there is no need for add-ons)
Consider a Multi-Org Strategy to Start Your Migration to NPC
As you explore your Salesforce footprint, it may be wise to consider using this migration as an opportunity to bring additional departments onto the Salesforce platform. Your organization may currently use NPSP for fundraising, but your programs team may be on a different system altogether. To start, you can migrate your programs onto NPC and have your users experience its value. Afterward, slowly bring in additional data from other departments utilizing NPSP. To ensure the data is connected, consider using additional tools like Data Cloud to unify constituent profiles or Tableau to analyze your data across different systems.

Want to Know How Complex Your Migration From NPSP to NPC Might be?
How NPC Impacts Your Departments
Program and Case Management
As you explore your Salesforce footprint, it may be wise to consider using this migration as an opportunity to bring additional departments onto the Salesforce platform. Your organization may currently use NPSP for fundraising, but your programs team may be on a different system altogether. To start, you can migrate your programs onto NPC and have your users experience its value. Afterward, slowly bring in additional data from other departments utilizing NPSP. To ensure the data is connected, consider using additional tools like Data Cloud to unify constituent profiles or Tableau to analyze your data across different systems.
Salesforce released NPC with Program and Case Management features as part of its out-of-the-box offerings. As a result, NPC’s solution set is now enhanced. For example, to ensure data security, in NPC you can now use the interaction summaries object to add security to client notes. In addition, NPC introduces action plans for case management and turns referrals objects, previously called case record types in NPSP, which provides greater flexibility.
Grant Management
NPC combines the best of NPSP’s outbound funds grant management features into a powerful solution. There are new features in NPC like the application object and advanced budget management for grantees, which simplifies the grant management process even further. NPC’s funding award amendments now provide more granularity for budgeting purposes, which enables organizations to make more informed decisions for managing grants. And while NPSP uses a screen flow, NPC offers users the choice of either a screen flow or OmniStudio script. Both NPSP and NPC have templates for grantmaking available in Experience Cloud, empowering organizations to make a positive impact.
In NPC, the same screen is used for entering individual and batch gifts. This provides greater consistency in data entry between gift types, unlike in NPSP. And instead of using the Batch Gift Import feature like in NPSP, users can now use a CSV import in NPC for importing batch gifts. There is also now a three-object model to categorize incoming funds in NPC, rather than categorizing all incoming funds as just opportunities in NPSP. These three gift types are Gift Transactions, Gift Commitments, and Opportunities. Gift Transactions are similar to NPSP payments but have added versatility. One-time donations are recorded as Gift Transactions and there is no need to monitor them further for progress and probabilities. Gift Commitments are used for expected or promised gifts and are typically accompanied by a gift commitment schedule. Opportunities are used for major gifts or grants where it’s necessary to track progress.
Outcomes Management
NPC introduced Outcomes Management, a powerful feature which has enabled organizations to measure the impact of their work within Salesforce. This allows users to track activities, outputs, outcomes, and effects and tie them back to their organization’s programs and grantmaking. As a result, organizations can monitor their progress, celebrate their successes, and strive towards making an even greater impact through their mission.
Find out more about the top considerations when migrating from NPSP to NPC in our recently published eBook, or take our Migration Complexity Assessment to benchmark how complex your migration from NPSP to NPC may be.