Happy Holidays from Cloud for Good: Reflecting on 2020
Here at Cloud for Good, we pride ourselves on our ability to adapt and overcome any hurdle we might face. The ability to improvise and
Here at Cloud for Good, we pride ourselves on our ability to adapt and overcome any hurdle we might face. The ability to improvise and
Human Rights Watch entered a partnership with Cloud for Good to leverage Salesforce and evolve past their previous Raiser’s Edge system.
Cloud for Good has much to be thankful for this year. Considering the challenges 2020 has thrown everyone’s way, we want to take a moment and reflect on the incredible
One of the greatest advantages Salesforce has provided Boston University relates directly to the COVID-19 pandemic…
Advancements made possible through Salesforce are making a true difference for The Center and the LGBTQ communities they serve.
When the students, families, staff, and faculty needed them most, UVM stepped up to facilitate a crucially important need.
Taking a strategic approach to transforming their technology, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary partnered with Cloud for Good in their migration from Raiser’s Edge to Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack, leading to greater efficiency and effectiveness for the institution’s fundraising, marketing, and campaigns.
The CDC Foundation is an independent nonprofit and the sole entity created by Congress to mobilize philanthropic and private-sector resources to support the Centers for
Salesforce has enabled American Kennel Club to serve its dog-loving constituency through technology like never before.
The Reporters Committee defends American journalists, scaling their efforts through Salesforce to meet an unprecedented rise in need.