Cloud for Good
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A Cloud Document Storage Guide for Your Organization

Every organization has the digital file equivalent of a kitchen junk drawer – it’s usually on a shared network drive where files have been placed for years with varying levels of strategy or order. We address common questions organizations have about cloud document storage.

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Burst your Silos and Become a Connected Nonprofit

Functional silos or information silos refer to business processes or data systems that are incompatible or not integrated with other processes or systems. A silo is caused by divergent goals of different organizational units that often result in decreased performance and duplicate or incorrect information.

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Do You Know How to ERD?

First, let’s break down that scary little acronym: ERD = Entity Relationship Diagram. Still sound too techy? How about this: An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

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Open Source, Open Hearts: Sprinting for the Nonprofit Starter Pack (NPSP)

Cloud for Good had the opportunity to send two of our team members to participate in the second ever Nonprofit Starter Pack Sprint (#NPSPsprint). A room full of people gathered from all over the USA and Canada for two days with one common purpose – to volunteer their skills and experience to make the Nonprofit Starter Pack (NPSP) more accessible and more effective for nonprofit organizations all over the world.

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When NOT to Implement Salesforce

While there a many reasons to make a switch to Salesforce, there are often reasons why you should not make the switch from your current platform. CRM migrations are a huge undertaking for any organization and you should consider exactly what it will take to make the move. Here are six obstacles to consider when determining if the time is right for your organization to start the move to Salesforce.

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