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Analytics Edition – Improved Insight to Your Data

The spring’12 release notes contain 181 pages of many new Salesforce features – but I am excited about one in particular, Analytics Edition. Furthermore, I am thrilled by’s recent announcement that this awesome feature is going to be available at no additional cost for nonprofit and educational organizations!

What is so exciting about the Analytics Edition?

  • Bucketing, a feature which lets you group data and place them in categories (or buckets). For example: you can say that all gifts under $1,000 are small and over that are large
  • Cross-filtering, this will allow you to filter on related objects. For instance, you will be able to create a report on households and contacts, to show all contacts in households that didn’t attend the last volunteer event.
  • Joined reports, this new report type will allow you to join reports together, to report on multiple children of the same parent object. For instance, if you are using the Nonprofit Starter Pack you will be able to build a report showing the payments, related contacts for each donation you received last year.
    This means that your organization no longer needs to spend hours in Excel or third-party business intelligence app’s to gain insight. You can see view a short training video here.

What does it mean for your organization?

Whether you are using Salesforce to fundraise, manage cases, or recruit, understanding the effectiveness of your efforts is essential.  The new and improved insight will help you capture “what works” and which services require improvements.

Ready to learn more? Would you like to schedule one-on-one training? Inquire about our support package today.