Cloud for Good
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Although we have been counting down the days since last year, we still can’t believe Dreamforce 2019 is almost here! In just 13 days, hundreds of thousands of trailblazers like you will be gathering in San Francisco for one of the city’s largest events. If you’ve been before, you know Dreamforce is so much more than a conference. It is an experience, a magical year worth of learning packed into just 4 days. There will be 2700+ sessions50+ keynotes including Barak Obama, new product launches and so much fun! 

For both seasoned Dreamforce veterans and newbies, the number of sessions, keynotes, events and parties to choose from is overwhelming. To ease your mind, we have collected all you need to get the most of your Dreamforce 2019 right here! Let’s dive in.  


The Dreamforce team has themed each day of the conference. Let’s start here as you build your strategy to get the most out of every moment.  

Tuesday – Artificial Intelligence. Jump right into some of the coolest things happening in the Salesforce ecosystem with Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work. If you are curious where the future is headed, be sure to attend the opening keynote with Marc Benioff at 10:00 AM.  

Wednesday: Next up, Digital Transformation! Not to mention, Wednesday is Dreamfest! If you love Fleetwood Mac, you won’t want to miss this.   

Thursday: Business is a Platform for Change! This is a reason so many of us are in the Salesforce ecosystem! Join the Equality Summit and Climate Summit on this impactful day.  

Friday: Personal Empowerment. Before you jump on the plane or hop in the car for your journey back home, take a look inward and explore the non-technical content Salesforce has curated for you. We personally cannot wait to meditate with Plum Village Monastics before returning back to the office.   

Now that we know the themes, let’s dig deeper! 


We know there are thousands of sessions to choose from. How could you possibly fish through all of them to extract the best ones for you? Here are our suggestions: 

  • Download the App! Before you go any further, start with the app.  
  • Use filters! Within the app and via Agenda Builder, you can select themes, roles, industries and products you are interested into narrow down the sessions.  
  • Trail maps! These built out templated agendas help you make sure not to miss anything important to you within your field. There is a great trail map for both those in the Nonprofit and Education worlds that we highly recommend you at least take a glance at as you prepare your plan of action. 
  • Visit our Dreamforce Page to learn all the places you can find our Goodies throughout the week. We would love to meet you and have some pretty cool sessions this year.  


Dreamforce is an incredible opportunity to connect and learn from people you may only see once a year. Our team loves to attend sessions where customers share with customers! We are excited to join some amazing folks in sharing their story this year. Check out these sessions: 


Higher Education: 


Dreamforce isn’t just about connecting with your peers in the industry. It is also about professional development. Before Dreamforce even starts, you could join one of the eight learning tracks at Bootcamp. Whether you are just starting out on the Administrator track or are ready to dive into System Architecture, there is a bootcamp for you! 

If you attend a Bootcamp or not, did you know Salesforce Certification Exams are 50% OFF AT DREAMFORCE?? Throughout the entire conference, you can get certified right on campus for 50% off! What are you waiting for? Go schedule your exam now! If you don’t feel quite ready to ace the test yet, no worries! Visit Trailhead Academy for hands-on workshops, study hall and even certified swag for when you pass your exam with flying colors! #SalesforceCertified 


Phew, that’s a lot of information! Our tips could be a mile long with all the recommendations our team has. Yet, with what you know about Dreamforce now, we know you are going to have an amazing time!  

Before you pack your bags, here are some final thoughts our Dreamforce veterans at Cloud for Good wanted to make sure they shared: 

  • If you haven’t heard it before, WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES! 
  • Plan to meet up with people you may not get a chance to otherwise see 
  • Watch the Road to Dreamforce videos  
  • Say hello! We will be all over Dreamforce (learn where here) and we would love to grab a selfie or a coffee with you.  
  • Join in the fun on social media! We will be posting during sessions, keynotes and parties all week long. Before the conference, follow #RoadtoDF19 and during you’ll find the chatter at #DF19. Follow us on twitter: @cloud4good 
  • Have fun!  

*Not attending Dreamforce 2019? No worries! We’ve got you covered. Watch our webinar, Dreamforce From Your Office Chair to learn how you can get the most out of Dreamforce from wherever you are.  

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