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Why Cloud for Good is Excited About Dreamforce

I attended my first Dreamforce 6 years ago while I was still working for a nonprofit organization who helped at-risk youth. I almost didn’t go; actually, I convinced my board that it was the right decision only a couple of weeks beforehand. The organization only agreed to send me after I secured a few meetings with potential funders at the conference. I didn’t know it at the time, but that trip was the impetus to choosing my new career. I was so impressed with the whole experience that a short time after I returned home, I quit my job and opened Cloud for Good.

For me, Salesforce is like Disney World. It has hundreds of sessions for almost any interest or experience with Salesforce. But what I really like about Dreamforce are the networking events and the Cloud Expo (the vendor area) because these are a great opportunity to meet clients and partners I have been working with but never met in person.

I have been inspired by Dreamforce every year since 2005, so I decided to take the majority of the Cloud for Good team to Dreamforce this year. Here is why we are excited about Dreamforce:

Will Nourse: I love to go to Dreamforce for the inspiration: It gives me ideas about different ways to use the platform that I never would have thought of myself and access to the people who’ve actually done it.

Danny Rodriguez: As a first time attendee to Dreamforce I am excited to learn and participate in many new experiences. It will provide me with the opportunity to interact with industry leaders and participate in events that showcase the successful best practices.

Amber Boaz: Dreamforce is where I connect–or reconnect–with other users, admins and developers to talk about all the cool things they’re doing on the platform.

Tracy Kronzak: Dreamforce, especially for nonprofits, is about community and innovation. I go to better understand how organizations are developing new ways to serve their constituents using the power of Salesforce, meet the nonprofit leaders responsible for developing and implementing this innovation, and learn how movement-building is growing and changing with cloud-based tools.

Paige Van Riper: I look forward to Dreamforce all year – there is no experience that inspires and exhausts (in a good way) in equal parts. When I return from Dreamforce I feel like I can run the world using Salesforce.

Trish Perkins: I’m excited about going to Dreamforce for the sheer fun of it. Meeting new Salesforce evangelists, getting inspiration for my work, learning new skills, and catching up with friends from all over the country are all part of the fun for me.

Stephanie Poorman: I really love the chance to learn more about functionality and parts of Salesforce I barely knew existed. Last year I took a GREAT session on Visual Flows and haven’t stopped using them since!

Kalman Sweetwine: I am excited about going to Dreamforce so I can reconnect with clients, meet new people, attend inspiring sessions, and get my yearly does of the “force” which expands my creativity and deepens my relationship to the global Salesforce community. Oh.. and I would like to find Mr. SteveMo so I can finally buy him a few beers 😉

Francis Scudelaari: I love Dreamforce for its hype and its hoopla; the electric and the fantastic mingling in a tingle-inducing gathering that makes us as giddy as kids at a circus. Ah, but there are hardy breads served with its circuses: the chance to hear stories and learn from the community that connects us, and to share in a vision that will move us together into an amazing future.

Convinced? Click here to register. If you are a nonprofit you should have received a discount code from the Foundation or (if you are not a nonprofit) use this referral code D13MVPREF . Once you are registered join the Cloud for Good chatter group in the Dreamforce app.