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Salesforce Connections and World Tour 2015 – New York City

Join the Cloud for Good team at the 10th annual Salesforce Connections and World Tour next week! Connections brings the digital marketing event of the year to the epicenter of marketing, New York. Connections welcomes the marketing community – brand marketers, agencies, platforms, systems integrators and technology providers – to experience three days of innovation, education, fun and giving back. Connections attendees will learn from the smartest marketers in the world about how they deliver powerful marketing that drives results. In addition, Salesforce will unveil the future of marketing technology, demonstrating how cloud, social, mobile and data science are transforming the way companies connect with their customers, partners, employees and products.

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Are You Ready for Some Dreamforce?!

As an organization we like to provide as much useful and relevant information to the nonprofit community we serve. If you frequent our blog you will notice we provide information on every topic we can think of. Anything that we think the nonprofit community will find helpful you can bet we will do our best to provide it through our content. It just so happens that when the blogging hat lands on my head we are usually near the annual “event” known as Dreamforce. Here are a few tips and tricks to make your Dreamforce experience exceptional.

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On the Front Lines of Social Responsibility

On a recent Monday morning, instead of my usual routine of managing my team of consultants in implementing Salesforce with our clients, I had the privilege of experiencing a local nonprofit’s work first hand. Thanks to Cloud for Good’s Social Responsibility Program I was able to take Volunteer Time Off and along with my 10-year-old son who was off from school, volunteer our time to help disabled people in other parts of the world get access to life-changing wheelchairs and other assistive devices.

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Adding it Up: Understanding Roll-Up Summary Fields

Roll-up summaries are a powerful tool within Salesforce to help you analyze your data without running a summary report. They can give you data specific to the contact or household you are viewing, providing a snapshot of related donations so you can get a sense of the donor’s engagement with your organization at a glance. Standard roll-up summary fields summarize all or some related records into a calculated field on a master object. The field can display a count, sum, maximum, or minimum value from the related records, operating on numeric, currency, or date fields. You can create roll-up summaries of Opportunities on Account records, or on any master object summarizing a field from its detail records.

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Tracking In-Kind Gifts in Salesforce

Let’s say you’re already tracking donations in Salesforce, and everything is going smoothly. But now a donor wants to make an in-kind gift to your organization. You’re excited about the gift, but not sure how to record it in Salesforce. How should you track the gift so you can honor the donor’s generosity, acknowledge them appropriately in your annual report, and send them an accurate tax receipt? You’ve got some options, of course!

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Navigating NGO Connect Batch Upload

Though we’d all love for all vendors to have seamless integrations with Salesforce, the truth is some of the vendors nonprofits works with do not. When this is the case you’re faced with inserting data created by your vendors into your Salesforce environment. Examples of these types of files could be checks deposited to your organization’s bank account, lists of donors that were gathered at an event or in the field where there was no internet connection or a list of names and emails received from a sponsored event.

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What Can We Learn From the Health Care Community?

At Cloud for Good, we have our own version of what is called a M & M Conference in the healthcare industry (Morbidity and Mortality Conference- a tradition where physicians and nurses from within their specialty (such as pediatrics) will meet – confidentially and very respectfully – to discuss cases in which the patients had a very serious or sometimes fatal outcome.) but we call ours “Post-Project Evaluations.” We like to think of it as a “postpartum” discussion (meaning the “baby” – your project – has been delivered). After a project has been completed, we meet as a team to discuss the outcomes. Everyone associated with the project, which includes the Account Executive, Consultant(s), Project Manager, and management, attends the meeting.

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#NPForce Tweet Chat

The #NPForce chat will provide a chance to network and grow your knowledge of how nonprofit organizations are using Salesforce. Join us on April 23rd.

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