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New Releases of 3 of the Nonprofit Starter Pack packages

Please find below a message we received from Steve Anderson (Salesforce Foundation) – good job Steve!

I’m happy to announce new releases of 3 of the Nonprofit Starter Pack packages—Contacts and Organizations, Households, and Recurring Donations.

I recommend installing these packages as they each include bug fixes.

They also include some nice new features:

  • Upgrading is easier
  • Replaced S-Controls in favor of VisualForce
  • Automatic Household Contact roles on Opportunities
  • Campaigns in Recurring Donations
  • Better handling of translations

You can see all the issues that I worked on for this release:

And here are the release details:


Contacts and Organizations

Bug Fixes

  • Marking Contact as Private doesn’t blank out Account (Issue 122)
  • Contacts can be inserted into an existing One to One Account (Issue 132)
  • Standard Accounts don’t work in Contact Merge (Issue 139)
  • Upgrading package requires renaming the Individual Account (Issue 141)
  • Changing Contact data renames non-one-to-one Account (Issue 142)
  • Lead Conversion errors when Lead has no first name (Issue 150)
  • One to one Account can be deleted if it contains Contacts (Issue 165)
  • Outlook Sync doesn’t work with standard NPSP Contact page layout (Issue 83)

New Features

  • VisualForce page for Contact Donation History (Issue 155)



Bug Fixes

  • None

New Features

    • VisualForce for Household Donation History (Issue 156)
    • Contact Roles for Household Members on Opp creation (Issue 151) Docs


Recurring Donations

Bug Fixes

  • Translation breaks Recurring Donations (Issue 120, Issue 140)

New Features

  • Ability to relate Recurring Donations to Campaigns (Issue 94)

If you are interested in upgrading your packages, please check out the wiki: