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Recovering from Dreamforce

Dreamforce 2013 is over.  In theory, you’ve bodily recovered from the walking, talking, learning, and partying. You’ve finished laundry, unpacked your schwag and are back at your desk. Whew!

Now what? How can you best leverage all the stuff you did and learned at Dreamforce to finish out 2013 and start 2014 with a bang?

Record your notes and share with colleagues

You did take notes right? Lots of them? Scrawled on any scrap of paper you could find. Or maybe, you lugged around your laptop or tablet? The notes you took are invaluable!  They’re nuggets of information that’ll help you extend Salesforce to better meet the needs of your organization.  Write them up in a format that’s easily accessible to your colleagues. Share the knowledge!

Recordings of sessions

Forgot to take notes? Don’t fret! Most of the sessions from Dreamforce are recorded and made available on YouTube! ( Use these recordings to remind you of the content you saw, and to experience the content you missed. This is also super useful for sharing with friends who missed a session, or (heaven forbid) Dreamforce itself!

Contact your new friends

Unless you’re a complete hermit, you met some new folks at Dreamforce.  Chances are you gathered at least a handful of business cards.  Now that you’re back home, connect with those folks on LinkedIn, Twitter, Chatter, wherever you’re most active. Arrange to meet at Dreamforce next year! Keep the conversation going!

Get ready for next year

Dreamforce 2014 will be here before you know it!  Now is the time to write down all the things you wished you’d done differently. Did you bring the right shoes?  Would you build your agenda differently?  What about your Expo exploration plan? Could any of that use some tweaking for next time?  If so, file that information away so you don’t make the same mistakes next year!

And remember Dreamforce 2014 is coming soon!