Cloud for Good
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Migration from Raiser’s Edge to Salesforce Made Easy

A few months ago I spent some time reflecting on the projects we have done over the last few years migrating our nonprofit clients to Salesforce. We have done more than 200 implementations of Salesforce for different types and sizes of organizations, from very small, all-volunteer-based organizations to multi-billion international institutions. I wondered what the main challenges in a database implementation are? Where are the bottlenecks? Where are our clients stuck? The answer is data migration/ conversion.

So many of our clients have previous war stories about data migration gone wrong! Why? Because it took too long, it was more expensive than estimated, the data was imported wrong due to human errors, or the data was poorly classified.

Changing the Game

So what can we do to address the most painful part of the implementation? Cloud for Good partnered with the good people at Apsona (the developers of Apsona for Salesforce) and together we developed an easy to use step-by-step tool to extract, transform, and load Raiser’s Edge data into the Nonprofit Starter Pack (additional mapping is on the roadmap!)

Why Raiser’s Edge?

It is a good place to start. More and more organizations are moving from Raiser’s Edge to Salesforce (read a case study here) and they are constantly looking for easier, faster, and cheaper ways to migrate their data. Instead of paying for hundreds of hours for data migration, they want a solution that will reduce their risks and costs.

Meet Over the Edge

Over the Edge allows users like you to migrate your data from Raiser’s Edge to the Nonprofit Starter Pack in 20-30 minutes and just 4 clicks:

Step 1: Connect to Salesforce and Raiser’s Edge

Step 2: Map your fields or Export your data

Step 3: Set Options

Step 4: Migrate and smile

The current configuration of Over the Edge includes the ability to export the main Raiser’s Edge tables into a CSV file or directly map your Raiser’s Edge fields to any standard or custom fields in Salesforce. Furthermore, we have already done some of the mappings for you. We currently support the following tables:

  • Constituents
  • Gifts
  • Notes
  • Appeals
  • Funds
  • Relations
  • And many more (contact us for more information)


Our mapping will bring your data directly into the Salesforce’s Contacts, Organizations (Accounts), Donations (Opportunities), Campaigns, Affiliations, and even automatically create Households for you.


Ready to move over the edge? Want to see the tool in action? Join us on Wednesday, August 22nd at 11am PT. RSVP HERE.