Cloud for Good
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My Best April NPTech Readings

This is a new tradition I started last month when I shared with you my best readings from the web. This month’s round-up includes social networks updates, tips, tricks, details on creating your organization’s Google Search Story, advice on online project management tools, and updates from Google Apps. I hope this will help your organization keep up with this month’s cloud discussions!

1. In light of the recent discussions about Facebook’s privacy issue I loved South Park’s last episode and the battle between Stan and his Facebook profile, who won? I am not sure.

2. Single? Maybe it is because you don’t own an iPhone J a recent survey has found that men who own an iPhone are more attractive than those who do not.

3.The search for a good online project management tool is on! Judi Sohn wrote an excellent post about C3’s needs and desires that ignited a great discussion. There is also a similar thread running in Techsoup’s community

4. But this is not the only search out there… do you remember Google’s Super Bowl Ad? We created a similar search story for Cloud for Good; check it out and share with your friends. You can create a similar video for your organization at

5. Google released many new features and enhancements this month. There were major updates added to Google Docs including the ability to insert calendar invitations Additionally, I blogged about Gmail’s drag and drop attachments and about the dot-less user name

6. New to Twitter? I enjoyed watching Alyssa Milano Teaching Jimmy Kimmel How to Use Twitter. Also, here are 10 Dos and Don’ts for Brands on Twitter and 12 Tips to Engage People on Twitter

7. Good suggestions on how to create a technology succession plan, from Idealware.

8. The Blog Raiser suggests your organization should create an imaginary donor friend

9. If you have friends you should listen, I found these good notes from NTC about listening (Amy Sample Ward’s Version of NPTec)

10. Last but not least, while reading the Google Grants Blog, I was very humbled and excited to read their recommendation of my own Cloud for Good on Facebook in their Resource Round Up for April. I would like to extend this invitation to you all!