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My Best June NPTech Readings

This month’s round-up includes tips for improving your organization’s Facebook page, measuring your social network effectiveness, an introduction to Salesforce Chatter, and a few good tips for writing an email. I am also including good tools from Google that may help you consider moving to the “cloud”. And there is a fun surprise at the end


1. Everybody is on Facebook (did you Join Cloud for Good on Facebook, but how do you create a Facebook presence? Debra Askanase, Community Organizer 2.0, has five good tips. Her bottom line is: get creative, collaborate, and be aggressive.

2. However, attracting new fans is not enough. What Does Your Facebook Funnel Look Like? Here are a few good ways to measure the effectiveness of your online communications?

3.’s Chatter is here and everybody is talking (and writing) about it. It is definitely number 1 in my Top 5 Summer ’10 Release Features

4. Here is a post that I would really like to forward to a few colleagues (and family members), it’s called “I don’t have time to read your email“. We all know that this is a very painful issue! She has a few good tips to help improve your organization’s newsletter.

5. Google released many new features this month, however, my favorite one is the ability to try Google Docs without a Google Apps account. They made my life easier! Explaining Google Docs can be a challenging task: they have great video tutorials but people need to “play” with it in order to really understand “real time collaboration” and “the cloud”.Google launched a new site

6. Still not sure why you should move to the cloud? Google created the Go Google cloud calculator that lets you explore your potential savings in an easy-to-understand way. I love it!

7. With your extra time you can play some vintage video games online, like Supper Mario and the King’s Quest.