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Implementation Best Practices eBook

The purpose of this eBook is to share lessons learned and recommendations for best practices as you move forward with your implementation. These recommendations are not intended to be Salesforce specific, but are rather globally applicable recommendations for the implementation of any new technology tool.

The first question any time that we hear phrases like “Best in Class,” “Best of Breed,” or “Best Practices” is: who decided the best? What we have learned in our many years of CRM consulting is that best is relative and often dependent upon experience, trials and, most often, failures. We believe that one has to go through a challenging if not difficult experience at least once in order to learn how to do it better the next time.

At Cloud for Good, we are Salesforce experts who speak fluent nonprofit. Our consultants have led thousands of implementations across multiple industries, both for profit and nonprofit, as consultants and as customers. The main focus of this eBook is:

  • Executive Sponsorship
  • Business Processes
  • Data
  • Automation
  • Usability/Scalability
  • Analytics

Download the Implementation Best Practices eBook to learn more about how to maximize your investment in your CRM implementation.
