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Being a Working Mom at Cloud for Good

I have always had a strong work ethic; I want to contribute to my employer but I need to balance the needs of my family with the demands of a career.  To add to this crazy combination, I am married to a Strategy Consultant who travels 100% of the time.  He leaves on Monday mornings and returns typically late Thursday evenings. 

How could I find balance?  What could I do that would not be just a “job” but rather a fulfilling career and yet give my children what they needed from me on a daily basis?   

This has been an interesting winding path to navigate over the last 15 years but here I am and I LOVE where I work and what I do.  I went from Entrepreneur to Managed Services Salesforce Consultant in that time frame.   

I recently ran across another blog post about 10 Tips for Balancing Motherhood and Your Career by Lauren Miller.  Lauren outlined 10 strategies that she felt helped her find work-life balance (as best as can be expected) to help her maintain her sanity and purpose: 

  1. Set a Routine 
  2. Prioritize Tasks 
  3. Work Efficiently 
  4. Be Fully Present 
  5. Outsource Chores 
  6. Make the most of your commute 
  7. Get Sufficient Sleep 
  8. Re-evaluate Other Commitments 
  9. Enjoy Some Time to Yourself 
  10. Soak in the snuggles 

What I realized after reading Lauren’s blog, is that I have been able, with my current position, to successfully navigate the demands of motherhood with an engaging, growth-potential career at Cloud For Good.   

As a Managed Services Consultant, I can schedule my day in a way that works for me.  I am a morning person, so I typically start early and end on the earlier side.  Because of my work schedule, I capitalize on my peak performance times making it easier for me to work more efficiently.  Working 100% remote, I am able to get sufficient restenjoy time for metime with my family (aka soak in the snuggles) and take my job with me (re-evaluate other commitments).  As a soon-to-be empty nester, I often wonder what the next chapter of my life will be but I can visualize an ongoing working relationship with my employer and a variety of options as to how my subsequent phase of my adventure might look for my husband and me.     

As a working mom with a traveling partner, I face the challenge of trying to be an engaged parent with my children and a contributor to my employer.  Working at Cloud For Good has been a game changer for me and my family.  I am growing every day in my Salesforce knowledge through client engagement and encouragement from my team AND I get to participate fully in my children’s lives – helping my oldest select a college for the fall and attending my youngest’s activities and cheering her on.  All while maintaining a small space for me and my personal goals and interests.  For the first time in my career life, I actually don’t feel like I am shortchanging either side.  I think I have found my Chi.