Engaging Staff to Use Salesforce
You’re organization has chosen Salesforce as your Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) platform. Engage your users to be active with the platform by following these tips.
You’re organization has chosen Salesforce as your Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) platform. Engage your users to be active with the platform by following these tips.
You’re ready for the data migration, but now it’s time to manage the data freeze. Here are some tips to work through shutting down your old system and starting up your new system.
It’s time for data validation. Here are some tips and tricks to making sure that you get your data looking exactly like you want it.
A data map is a great way to document the process of uncovering the secrets of a data set. We use them for so many different reasons. To take a catalogue of what is in the old system. To take another catalogue of all the fields that are in the new system. To show a client where all their data is going and how.
It doesn’t matter if8ixn547AT you have 100 records or 1 million records, the data import phase of a project can seem like a daunting task. It’s kind of like moving a 5 bedroom house. There’s extracting the data from your old system, or gathering it from various places it may live. There’s prepping it for import by removing duplicates and making sure that email and phone number fields are formatted properly. And let’s not forget figuring out what pieces of data you actually want to bring over into the new system. Once these steps are completed, along comes the biggest piece – actually importing the data. This is either done by someone within your organization or by an outside consultant. A variety of tools are used, some magic is performed and then you have a new system with data that looks familiar to you.
I encourage everyone to take a certification exam. They are not only a stamp in your Salesforce passport, but they expose you to parts of Salesforce that you never even knew existed. They make you a better user, a better administrator, a better developer and, let’s face it, a better human being.
Switching between two systems is always a tough process. The data migration, getting used to something new, having to change the way you and your team does things. It’s enough to keep you on an old system for years after you probably should have moved off. But for Common Ground customers, the switch is inevitable and decisions have to be made, since that product is being retired.
The system has been customized, all packages have been installed, all custom fields have been configured, data migration completed, even training has been scheduled. But there is one key step that is crucial to the success of your roll out. Getting the actual users on board.