For your non-profit, nothing can be more helpful than good, clean data. How to can you do that? Capitalize on integrations.
For your non-profit, nothing can be more helpful than good, clean data. How to can you do that? Capitalize on integrations.
When implementing new technology into your organization or expanding your existing system, a little bit of planning can go a long way in ensuring the success of your project. Planning the project well, have subject matter experts and/or experienced project managers can help the project move smoothly. Every project will have bumps in the road, but below are some tips that will help smooth out the bumps.
If your nonprofit is considering a data migration in the near future, you can start planning now by asking some preliminary question.
When implementing Salesforce, we rightly focus on designing the system; what data do we need to input and the reports and dashboards we want as output. But have you thought about how your decisions regarding Salesforce’s security features can dramatically affect the overall security of your data.
There are a lot of factors that go into running a great peer-to-peer fundraising campaign. But before you delve into the planning phase, realizing its full potential will help you create more successful campaigns and engagement strategies.
While the outright cost to purchase technology is usually pretty apparent, it’s not the whole story, as it doesn’t take into account the the hidden costs of maintenance and support and the less-tangible costs of training, user adoption and efficiency. Can You Afford the System You Want? Calculate its Total Cost of Ownership.
Salesforce makes it simple to quickly create useful solutions for your business. “Modify your database schema – no DBA required!” “Clicks – not code!” “Become an Apex developer in 24 hours!” But too often, there is a lack of attention on other important heuristics such as scalability, maintainability, usability, quality, etc. This article addresses just a few important things to consider while developing your high-quality Salesforce solution.
NTEN’s Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) took place March 13 through the 15th. Using Salesforce Radian6 we took a look at the conversations happening around the 2014 Nonprofit Technology Conference for those three days, and here’s what we found.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is process of verifying that a solution works for the user. The solution, in this case, is Salesforce and the processes we’ve built together as a function of your project. UAT is where your users get into the tools and make sure they meet your needs.
Your forms should be easy to understand. A cluttered layout and vague language are just some of the hurdles that could trip up your respondents. Here’s five ways you can help people breeze through your form.