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Action for Healthy Kids Migrates from Luminate

Migrating from Luminate

Action for Healthy Kids Migrates from Luminate

Migrated from Convio Luminate to Salesforce and utilized multiple applications including HandsOn Connect and Pardot as well as integrated website forms and surveys.


Action for Healthy Kids fights childhood obesity, undernourishment and physical inactivity by helping schools become healthier places so kids can live healthier lives. They partner with a legion of dedicated volunteers — teachers, students, moms, dads, school wellness experts and more — from within the ranks of their 60,000+ network to create healthful school changes.

Their grassroots efforts are supported by a collaboration of more than 70 organizations, corporations and government agencies. Working together, they are giving kids the keys to health and academic success by meeting them where they are — in the classroom, in the cafeteria and on the playground — with fun physical activity, nutrition lessons and changes that make it possible for them to eat nutritiously and play actively every day.


  • Action for Healthy Kids is a large organization with many moving parts so they needed a way to track their data in a much more sophisticated way. They were using Convio Luminate, a Blackbaud product.
  • They needed a better way to connect with chapters located throughout the country in order to keep their brand and system more consistent.
  • Action plans, online forms, email marketing, donations and volunteer management applications, and grant applications all needed to be integrated into a single system.
  • Data on grant making, schools, projects, and relationships was spread across multiple systems and needed to be centralized and linked so that it could be easily found.
  • There was trouble getting concise reporting as well as collecting data. The organization needed more sophisticated reporting tools so that they could relay to funders how they were impacting the community.


“After speaking with Tal, it was clear that Cloud for Good better understood the needs of nonprofits and already had extensive experience with similar organizations,” reported Anthony Moss, Web & Database Manager of Action for Healthy Kids. “They were also very affordable!”

Their consultant began by installing the Nonprofit Starter Pack to help the organization better manage individual donors, relationships and affiliations, as well as manage households and recurring gifts. An online grant application was linked to Salesforce from their site to streamline the grant giving and reporting process. Custom built surveys were created to help capture information as well as to fill requirements by grantees before funds were released. Action Plans were built so Chapters were able to access and update all information, making it much easier for them to track yearly goals and interactions. HandsOn Connect was integrated to help manage volunteers and, finally, Pardot was added to help view all prospect activities and better organize leads and contacts.


Streamlined Process – The organization is finally able to track action plans, donations, interactions and grant giving throughout their network. They are able to streamline the way data is collected in a much easier to use system, which insures brand consistency throughout their many chapters.

Improved Measurement – Action for Healthy Kids is better evaluate and measure their impact on thousands of schools.

A System for the Future – With their new implementation on the platform, technology is supporting the organization’s mission and growth. Staff members can modify processes and integrate new technologies as the organization evolves.

“Our grant management process has been vastly improved thanks to the work we did with Cloud for Good. Our consultant, Kalman, was terrific to work with. Everyone we worked with was very responsive and quick to remedy any issues that arose,” added Moss. “If nonprofits are looking for consultants, it’s important to hire one that understands the needs of a nonprofit. Cloud for Good is that consultant.”

Click here to view a printer friendly version: Action For Healthy Kids Case Study